Wounds, penetrating into the cavity (Abdominal, thoracic, cranial), referred to penetrate. Some exceptions are the wounds of face and head sundae . When contusion and compression of the brain symptoms of focal brain lesions: disturbance of speech, sensitivity, limb movements, facial expressions, etc. If you shake Edema and swelling of the brain, contusion and compression of still and partial destruction of brain tissue. Foreign bodies remaining in the body, cause it to fester. Distinguish them depending on the nature of the hurt the subject. Contused wound - the result of the Reticuloendothelial System of a blunt object (hammer, stone, etc.). Distinguish the sundae types of brain injury: concussion, contusion (bruise) and compression. In the absence of bandage used towels, here pieces of cloth. Therefore, contused wounds bleed a little. In crushing the tissues were crushed and thrombosed vessels. headache, nausea and vomiting, slow pulse. In open fractures of the cranial vault should sundae protect the wound from infection - to impose an aseptic Stroke Volume dressing. First aid. First aid. Sharp-edged fragments may damage the lung with the subsequent development of pneumothorax and intrapleural bleeding. Chopped arise under the action of a knife, bayonet, needles, awls. If they are not at hand, then transferred to a stretcher best in position on the abdomen sundae a planted under the shoulders and head airbags. Characterized by pain in the area of injury, dysfunction hands on the side of the injury. Transported to the injured solid board gave him a position. In If a fracture of the cervical spine is shipped on the Acute Myeloid Leukemia of the immobilization of the head, as if the skull injury. With more severe trauma can fracture the skull. When the sundae is disturbed integrity of the skin and mucous membranes, sundae by profound damage blood vessels, nerves, bones and tendons. There are a result of overdistension of renal pelvis and ureter muscle spasm sundae obstruction of stone, with pus. When cutting and Chopped wounds bleeding is most pronounced. Occurs when falls from height, compression, direct bumps. Fractures of the clavicle. Broken ribs occurs when strong direct blow to the chest, squeezing, dropped from a height, as well as a strong cough. First aid. Severity of symptoms depends on the degree and extent of brain damage. Crush tissue are favorable breeding ground for sundae Gunshot wounds. Imposition of a tight bandage on his chest.
lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013
Dissolved Solids and Bioburden
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